The work undertaken at the ITC is widely acknowledged as being of great importance and value to the tea industry.
Our members support the organisation by providing financial contributions, which supplement the company’s income and allows the ITC to continue its unique service and to keep the cost of publications as low as possible.
For full details of our Members please download our ITC Member Details PDF (PDF, 860kb)
Our Members
Full Producer/ Exporter members
- Tea Board of India
- Sri Lanka Tea Board
- Indonesia Tea Board
- Tea Board of Kenya
- Tea Association of Malawi
- Bangladesh Tea Board
- China Chamber of Commerce of Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products
- Tea Board of Tanzania
Full Consumer members
- Tea Association of USA Inc
- Tea & Herbal Association of Canada
- Irish Tea Trade Association
- Protea Academy APS, Tea Association of Italy
Associate members
- Agri-Food Directorate Farming & Food Sectors and Trade, DEFRA, UK
- Japan Tea Association
- Uganda Tea Association
- China Tea Marketing Association
- Japan Tea Central Association
- World Green Tea Association, Japan
- East African Tea Trade Association, Kenya
- Indian Tea Association
- The United Planter’s Association of Southern India
- Tea Association of India
- Tea Association of Tanzania
- Flaveurs de The, France
- Rize Commodity Exchange, Türkiye
- Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization
- Korea Black Tea Association,
- The Tea Road (China) Cooperative
- United Kingdom Tea and Infusions Association Ltd
- National Agricultural Export Development Board, Rwanda
- ASEAN Tea Organisation, Malaysia
Australia Tea Society INC
Corporate members
- Tapal Tea (Private) Ltd, Pakistan
- DMCC Tea Centre, UAE
- Britannia Tea Co. Ltd, UK
- Eastern Produce Regional Services Ltd, Kenya
- Lipton Teas and Infusions Procurement Kenya Ltd
- Forbes & Walker Tea Brokers (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka
- John Keells Plc, Sri Lanka
- I & M Smith (Pty) Ltd, South Africa
- Tea Brokers East Africa. Kenya
- Thompson Lloyd & Ewart Ltd, UK
- J Thomas & Company Pvt Ltd, India
- Stassen Group, Sri Lanka
- Parcon (India) Pvt. Ltd.
- Tresmontes S.A., Chile
- Cooper Venture Associates, USA
- National Brands Limited, South Africa
- Finlays Colombo Plc., Sri Lanka
- International Trade Centre, Switzerland
- L Elink Schuurman (Thee) BV, Netherlands
- JDE Peet’s, Netherlands
- Taylors of Harrogate, UK
- Ahmad Tea Ltd., UK
- R Twining & Co Ltd, UK
- Tata Global Beverages, UK
- Ringtons Ltd, UK
- Northern Tea Merchants Ltd, UK
- James Finlay Ltd, UK
- Ceylon Tea Brokers Plc, Sri Lanka
- National Brokers Ltd., Bangladesh
- Keith Spicer Ltd, UK
- Venus Tea Brokers Ltd., Kenya
- Asia Siyaka Commodities Pvt. Ltd., Sri Lanka
- Reginald Ames Ltd., UK
- Combrok Ltd., Kenya
- Mitsui Norin Co., Ltd, Japan
- L.A.B. International Kenya Ltd
- James Finlay Mombasa Ltd, Kenya
- Anverally & Sons (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka
- Ahmed Mohamed Saleh Baeshen & Co, Saudi Arabia
- Jayshree Tea & Industries Ltd, India
- The Asian Tea Group, India
- HJC Group (Global Tea Fair), China
- Silverback Tea Company, Rwanda
Full membership is open to those organisations that represent the interests of tea in their country: such as Tea Boards, tea associations or governmental departments. Full members are represented on the ITC Board of management, receive complimentary publications and they and their membership also benefit from complimentary access to the ITC Web Summary. The ITC Board of Management agrees annual contributions.
Associate members enjoy complimentary publications and access to the ITC Web Summary and membership is open to organisations that represent the interests of tea in their country. Associate membership per calendar year is £575.
Corporate membership is open to private sector companies involved in the tea trade. Membership includes complimentary publications and the contribution payable per calendar year is £575.